Tuesday 23 February 2016

Why are you single?

After the initial excitement about writing my first blog post for Terminally Single subsided I realised that i was going to have to write something that someone else might actually want to read. What on god’s green earth was I going to write? After some serious deliberation I settled on a question that plagues many of my fellow single ladies. Why are you single? Now the answer is different for everyone and but I figured I’d give my personal insight on the matter.

Personally, I am fully aware of my flaws, and i have a multitude. One of which is the fact that i am unable to just go with the flow, I need some kind of plan. Blindly wondering along a road that may or may not be leading to deadly drop is not my portion. And this seems to be what 90% of 21st century men want me to do.

“Lets just see how it goes babe... No one can see the future....Who knows how we will feel in a few months..What wrong with just taking each day as it comes... YOLO**(kmt)”

These kind of comments are not conducive to my happiness. Now i’m not saying that I want a full blown bullet point plan (although that would be nice) but I would like to know we are at least on the same page, living in the same time zone and looking at the same picture. For example if you know you are not ready for a serious relationship, that’s fine but you can’t get involved with someone who is looking for something serious as the relationship/situation is inevitably going to fail. 21st century men want to have their cake, eat it and not get fat without going to the gym and even those with great metabolisms will eventually put on the pounds. I’m not saying that everything has to be super serious and words like ‘marriage’ and ‘kids’ should be thrown around but we are adults now and this whole ‘YOLO’ mentality is not helping matters. How can we be living our lives in accordance to a Rick Ross/Drake lyric? If we aren’t even starting on the same page how can we except to keep moving the same direction, it’s a recipe for disaster and normally ends with feelings being hurt and tyres being slashed. No woman wants to slash a man’s tyres but months or in many cases years of being in “relationships” with these YOLO types leads women to extreme actions.

I’m not saying that i want to get married tomorrow (however preferably sometime this decade) but at this stage I would like someone who is open to the idea that this may just be forever because if that’s not even a possibility then what’s the point? The very notion that whatever I am about to embark upon has an expiry date not only slams the door in the face of the here & now but also but on the whole idea of possibility and potential. Yes you only live once but I’d rather do it alone and happy than in a semi-serious relationship which all that these 21st century men seem to be offering.

The Hopless romantic x

** YOLO – You Only Live Once see here

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