Wednesday 24 February 2016

Desperate Vs Humane?

In the early stages of getting to know someone the sort of “honeymoon” stage many different emotions can be flying around, happiness, excitement, feeling smitten etc. I’ve noticed a popular topic of debate amongst young people of today seems to particularly surround the frequency of contact between two people. What is a “normal” amount of contact between two people who are attracted to one another and also share the intention to learn more about each other? Is it weird to converse everyday? Is it THAT strange if one person slightly misses talking to the other if they go a day or two without speaking?

From the conversations I have had with both female and male friends it seems to me on a general level that men can go longer than women without speaking to someone they are seeing/getting to know. Whereas with women they don’t see a problem with speaking to someone everyday and in most cases wonder why guys sometimes don’t contact them for a few days.

There are 24 hours in a day, if you like someone surely they will cross your mind at some point during these 24 hours…if that is the case what is wrong with messaging, texting or emailing that person just to have a chat with them? Personally, I don’t believe in smothering people and feel that individuals in general and couples should be separate entities despite being in a relationship, so I wouldn’t condone contacting a person a hundred times a day demanding lengthy intense conversations; at least once is harmless though right?
I’m not suggesting it be an obligation to speak every single day without fail but if someone should want to surely they should feel comfortable enough to do so without pre-thinking “what if i come across to eager?” Maybe there are guys out there thinking the same thing as some females and are afraid of coming across as too sensitive so they therefore try to “play it cool” by contacting every few days like clockwork.
I feel women are constantly debating whether or not to contact a guy they like with like questions “does he want space?” Or “is he testing me and trying to find out if i’m interested in him?” arising. Why can’t everyone just act like normal adult beings, contact someone when you think about them (the quantity being with in reason), no playing games.

Is a person acting desperately for wanting to be in frequent and consistent contact with a person they like or are they simply just being human?

The Cynic x

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